The Undeniable Power of Music

You know when you hear that one song – whether it comes on the radio or a friend plays it – and you start dancing and singing at the top of your lungs? You know that feeling of nostalgia you get as it brings you back to the exact time and place you first heard it? It’s a fun feeling. I get that feeling all the time, especially when I hear something by Yellowcard – specifically “Ocean Avenue”.  It brings me back to my 7th grade crush and one of my favorite summers growing up.  Here’s the video if you’ve never heard the song before:

Memory is such a powerful thing. It’s what makes us unique. So what if everything you’ve experienced in your life – every precious moment, slowly disappeared? I can only imagine how scary of a feeling that’d be.

Sadly, that’s what people with Alzheimer’s and dementia suffer from every single day.

Personally, I don’t know how I could live without my memories. Especially those memories I get from hearing a favorite song. It’s an instant mood-booster or a reminder of something major that has happened in your life.

So, what’s this all about?

If you have ever met me, or worked with me, you might notice I can be a very passionate person. If it’s something I feel strongly about, or think it’s just a great opportunity, I’ll shout it for all to hear. (Sorry not sorry.)

My most recent passion circles around a campaign I am assisting with. The Miracle of Music was created to help spread the power of music and I am working with a team to raise money for iPod shuffles, music and headphones to go into the hands of Minneapolis memory care residents.

Where medications have failed, music has succeeded. This campaign is directly helping patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia.

So, how powerful is music, really, on patients suffering from memory loss? Watch this short video for a bit of an explanation:

What Can You Do to Help?

Great question! I know everyone was wondering. 🙂  If you have just $20 to spare – or even $5, it can go a long way. Please visit to donate. Help Alzheimer’s patients regain some of their lost memories through the power of music.

With your help – this campaign will give Minneapolis memory care residents their VERY OWN iPod shuffle, headphones, and a playlist of their favorite music.

We will all get old eventually – wouldn’t you want someone to do this for you?


Just think about this for a second: What would you do if you lost your memory? What would you want people to do to help you regain some of those precious moments?
